Hack the box gives a machines with problems for you to go ahead hack them. They go so far that to sign up you must hack the website (if you count inspecting a website hacking. but there is a little bit more to it)in a way to sign up.
You should use hack the box you can like really get into it and it's fun when you get the hang of it. And a great place to practice and try out your skills. Plus this will remove the need for you to buy or build another computer with problems to hack into.
It differs from most other platforms in that while other platforms focus primarily on self learning by creating content for their users, TryHackMe uses a number of different techniques to try make it easier for people to learn about the different, and sometimes deeply complex, layers in the cybersecurity world.
The platform develops virtual classrooms that not only allow users to deploy training environments with the click of a button, but also reinforce learning by adding a question-answer approach. Its a comfortable experience to learn using pre-designed courses which include virtual machines (VM) hosted in the cloud.
While using a question-answer model does make learning easier, TryHackMe allows users to create their own virtual classrooms to teach particular topics enabling them to become teachers. This not only provides other users with rich and varied content, but also helps creators reinforce their understanding of fundamental concepts.
A multilanguage security training platform,
Different subjects covered on Root Me include:
Digital investigation
Breaking encryption
Network challenges
SQL injection
It’s a solid platform and a great way to practise your hacking skills, although it’s not as beginner-friendly as some of the other entries on this list.
There’s a community too so that you can learn from others and you can even watch others hack or follow along at the same time which they call ‘white box testing’. A perfect learning environment I would say. Check out their
5. CyberSecLabsIt promote learning, rather than a focus on ‘capture the flag’ (CTF) or a point / rank system. The goal at
What it Provide:
Free tier with beginner and challenging labs
A large amount of beginner content including Windows, Linux and Active Directory
Challenging labs to test your skills with Easy, Medium and Hard labs
Active Directory
A supporting friendly community across Discord and Forum
6. OverTheWire
Another terrific place for fun and learning,
First you’ll be challenged by wargames that cover basic concepts and skills, then continue to different scenarios and more involved stories. OverTheWire also has a competitive side, the warzone, an isolated network simulating the IPv4 Internet. All connected devices are targets to be hacked, placing you in competition with other hackers.
7.Pentest Training
Pentest trainingIt offer a fully functioning penetration testing lab which is ever increasing in size, complexity and diversity. The lab has a fully functioning It also provide a handful of mock exams that have been created by us to create as close to real world exam relevant to its counter part as possible. The exam questions are taken from past exam papers and the timings and marking to each one are as close as possible if not exactly the sameIt also run a security forum. This forum uses a ranking based system, this helps to prevent the spammers and makes sure that only people with the relevant skill level can access more potentially dangerous but more fun documentation and training
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